works Conducted by BBMP Forest Department
The Range Forest Officers, The Assistant Conservator of Forest the Deputy Range Forest Officer and the Forest Guards are coming under the administrative control of Deputy Conservator Forests. The Deputy Conservator of Forests has the power of Raising the Nursery, Raising of Plantations (including medicinal plants, decorative and other aesthetic species), avenue plantation in the vacant lands, Government and other public places, lake bunds, in the Parks. Supervision of all this works and check measurement of the works carried out
75000 numbers of saplings have been planted during 2019-20 all along avenues and in other vacant places.
During the year 2018-19s Seedlings have been raised and being maintained. It is proposed to develop basic infrastructre for creating 4 new Nurseries during 2019-20.
The BBMP Forest wing has been continuously striving hard to overcome the problems of tree, the public caused due to dried and dangerous trees by granting permission for removal of such trees/branches of the trees under Karnataka Preservation of Tree Act 1976 under relevent Actions. Totally there are 21 tree canopy Management teams are Working.
To know the present status of Greenery and also know the number of trees existing in 198 wards of BBMP, the species to which they belong and their health status etc., the work of tree Enumeration has been entrusted to Institute of wood Science and Technology which is an autonomus body under control of Central Government